If your loan is approved you may receive an installment loan and a credit card. Certain restrictions apply. If you already have a Farm Bureau Bank (Bank) credit card or another Simple Solutions loan, this loan will be considered an advance on your existing account. By submitting this application, you agree to, and have read the Farm Bureau Member Rewards MasterCard Terms & Conditions, which are available for review at https://www.farmbureaubank.com/Services/Documents.
By providing your telephone number for a cellular phone or other wireless device, or by providing us your email address, you expressly consent to receive calls and/or email notification from Farm Bureau Bank
By submitting this application, you certify that all of the statements in this application are true and correct and are made for the purpose of obtaining credit. You authorize Farm Bureau Bank to obtain and verify additional information, including credit reports from credit reporting agencies. You understand that the Bank will rely on this information in deciding whether or not to grant credit to you and that the Bank may request further information as may be necessary to process your application. You understand that Farm Bureau Bank may access title, registration and lien information from an external source in order to perfect the title on a secured loan. You have read and agree to Farm Bureau Bank's Privacy Notice and understand that you will receive Farm Bureau Bank's Privacy Notice with the loan documents, and you may view the privacy notice at any time on the Bank's disclosures page. All terms and conditions are subject to change.
Farm Bureau Bank does not disclose any private personal information, except as permitted by law. Farm Bureau Bank can share your personal information for everyday business purpose such as to process your transaction, maintain your account(s) respond to our orders and legal investigations or report to credit bureaus. We also may share your information with companies that insure us against losses from loan default.
If the loan purpose is business or farm, you are submitting this application on behalf of the company as its authorized representative and as an individual guarantor of payment. In your individual capacity you (even though you may place a title or other designation next to your signature) unconditionally guarantee and promise to pay to Farm Bureau Bank all indebtedness of the business or farm, at any time, relating to this application, as well as, any extensions, increases, or renewals of that indebtedness.
If the loan purpose is business or farm, you are submitting this application on behalf of the company as its authorized representative and on behalf of myself as an individual guarantor of payment. You also, in your individual capacity (even though you may place a title or other designation next to my signature) unconditionally guarantee and promise to pay to Farm Bureau Bank all indebtedness of the applicant at any time arising under or relating to this application as well as any extensions, increases, or renewals of that indebtedness.
To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify and record information that identifies each person who opens the account. What this means for you: When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver's license or other identifying documents.
MEMBER FDIC, Equal Housing Lender.